Thursday, February 10, 2011

Lin Ping's still crying in the lonely night

your voice hurts my heart, my dear little girl.


  1. thanks for coming
    i just want to record how LIN PING is after the weaning separation is completed
    which i think Lin Ping still looks sad, she's not doing well at all
    she can eat and play her toys, of course, for some times.
    but she cries alot (or squeals? i'm not sure what is the right word) many times all night long
    Lin Ping still always walk to the front cage to look for her mom
    sniff all the places where her mom used to sit
    dances with the pile when she want to be protected
    sit still by the bed where she used to lie there with her mom sit beside like this exactly
    Little darling misses her mom alot

    i really dont understand
    why the Thai Panda Research Project has to hurry separating this mommy and cub
    while they're not ready
    they still want to stay with each other

    Lin Hui still look badly cope with the separation too
